In this sense, the most important fair linked to green hydrogen in Latin America will have a world power in the exhibition to be held in Metropolitan Santiago. “We are very proud to participate with the German Pavilion in the second version of Hyvolution Chile! With very favorable natural conditions and more than 60 projects in the pipeline, Chile is one of the most promising markets for green hydrogen production. However, in order to take advantage of this potential, a continuous cooperation and exchange between all industry players is required”, the German representation indicated. “The Hyvolution Chile 2024 exhibition and congress is the ideal event to facilitate meetings between key players in the industry and to bring together demand and supply. With the Germany Pavilion we want to give companies the best possible platform to present their services and products ‘Made in Germany’,” they said. Contacto AHK Chile: Julius Wittig | Project Manager Energy & Sustainability | jwittig@ahkchile.cl | +56 9 6156 9995