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Gloria Maldonado, president of the Hyvolution Chile Congress: “It is a responsibility that I take on with great enthusiasm and dedication.

The executive, with more than 20 years of management and leadership experience in the public and private sectors, talks about her role in the largest green hydrogen industry showcase in the country.

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Among her many activities as president of ENAP and Correos de Chile, Gloria Maldonado has a space to reflect on a project that she is very enthusiastic about. A key investiture that translates into her role as president of the Hyvolution Congress, where aspects that she is passionate about will converge: the energy issue, the contributions of academia, the green hydrogen industry and the interaction of the different actors in this ecosystem.

“As president of Enap, I have been able to see firsthand the potential of the green hydrogen industry to advance in the technological development of Chile, the formation of advanced human capital, as well as the transformation of the energy matrix of our country and also globally,” says Gloria Maldonado, one of the most important authorities of the fair to be held from September 3 to 5, 2024 at the Metropolitan Santiago events center.

“Being appointed as president of this instance implies an honor and a significant commitment. This position represents the opportunity to lead a relevant meeting space for the visibility and advancement of the green hydrogen industry, both in Chile and internationally. It is a responsibility that I assume with great enthusiasm and dedication, with the objective of supporting this instance to become a space for the promotion, collaboration and development of this new industry in the country, with the corresponding environmental responsibility”, adds the president of Enap.

What are your expectations regarding the exhibition?

Chile has geographical and climatological characteristics that make it one of the best countries in the world for the development of green hydrogen. We hope that Hyvolution Chile will contribute to increase the visibility of Chile as a crucial actor, at a global level, in the field of green hydrogen and to boost the development of innovative solutions to face the energy and environmental challenges of the entire planet.

And, at the same time, we know that this can be a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences, where key players in the sector can present their projects, establish strategic alliances and explore new business opportunities.

How do these initiatives or meeting points contribute to the development of the energy industry and the challenge of sustainability?

These events play a crucial role in driving the technological and sustainable development of the energy industry. By bringing together business, academic, political and civil society leaders, these meetings foster collaboration and the exchange of best practices.

On the other hand, they can become a space for the presentation of innovative technologies and solutions that ultimately contribute to minimizing the impacts of climate change for the entire planet, as well as to the reduction of emissions and the more efficient use of resources.

What aspect would you highlight of Enap’s role in the green hydrogen industry?

Enap has a historical vocation as a pioneering company in the search, production, storage and transportation of fuels in our country. As a state-owned company, whose role and operation is key in the country’s energy sector, Enap has been the engine that provides the energy to move the country and, as such, must continue guaranteeing this supply in an innovative and sustainable way. This position allows us to be a key player in the energy transition, committed to promoting the development of new low-carbon fuels.

We have built a business plan that seeks to project to 2040 a national multi-energy company, provider of a reliable supply of new fuels, promoter of access to competitive energies, with a robust logistic structure and that addresses environmental and surrounding challenges in a sustainable manner.

From this role, and understanding the determining position it has in the Magellanic territory, Enap has outlined a strategy to ensure the development of the green hydrogen industry and new fuels in Chile, through the correct use of our assets in facilities and land, as well as port services and availability of docks in the Strait of Magellan. This strategy allows us to enable joint infrastructure on land that is already in industrial use, minimizing the environmental impact and strengthening land management in a region of great environmental value for all Chileans. In this context, we have signed important agreements with global development companies, which will allow us to act with less impact, in less time and without duplicating efforts.

Committed to innovation and sustainability, we are also leading important initiatives, such as the H2V demonstration plant in Cabo Negro and various projects associated with new types of low-carbon fuels.

How do you value your experience in France with the Chilean delegation that traveled to Hyvolution Paris?

During the Hyvolution event in Paris, we had the opportunity to size up the tremendous global interest in our country. Chile has a declared comparative advantage for the production of green hydrogen, as it has an enormous potential to generate renewable energies with extraordinary levels of efficiency.

Therefore, the experience with the Chilean delegation that traveled to Hyvolution Paris was enriching and productive, as we were able to establish key contacts, learn from international best practices and explore new opportunities for collaboration. In addition, it was inspiring to see the high level of innovation and commitment to sustainability that characterizes the green hydrogen sector in Europe.

This experience reaffirmed our belief in Chile’s potential to become a regional leader in this industry and strengthened our commitment to driving the development of green hydrogen in our country.

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