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Government for Decarbonization: Green Hydrogen Industry Development Committee Launched

The Interministerial Council initiated the entity that will promote decarbonization and a new, more sustainable development model in the country.

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The Interministerial Council initiated the entity that will promote decarbonization and a new, more sustainable development model in the country. The President of the Republic, Gabriel Boric, together with ministers and representatives of the Ministries of Energy, Economy, Finance, Foreign Affairs, Social Development, Public Works, Transport, National Assets, Environment, Agriculture, Science and Corfo, met at the Palacio de La Moneda to participate in the First Interministerial Council that marked the beginning of the Green Hydrogen Industry Development Committee, an initiative that responds to the government’s commitment to promote decarbonization to address climate change and promote a new model of sustainable development for Chile. “As the administration of President Gabriel Boric, we take on the mandate to accelerate sustainable development. In this framework, we will promote Green Hydrogen in a transversal way, with emphasis on harmonious, fair and balanced local development to generate new economic activities in the country. For this work we will take as a basis the National Strategy in force. This will be one of the tools that will help us to decarbonize the local demand, that which cannot be electrified”, said the Minister of Energy, Claudio Huepe. Meanwhile, the Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism, Nicolás Grau, emphasized that “this must be done with the communities, with early participation of each of them, allowing a harmonious development of this industry in each of the places where it will be installed. For this reason, together with the ministers, ministers, undersecretaries and undersecretaries present, in the work teams that we have formed today, there will be a very important participation of governors and regional governors of the regions involved in this process”. Through this new Corfo Committee, different actors and public policy initiatives will be coordinated to take advantage of the opportunities of this industry which, according to the National Green Hydrogen Strategy, will involve investments of about US$5 billion by 2025 for the development of 5GW of electrolysis capacity and export levels of hydrogen and its derivatives of about US$2,500 million by 2030. “The formation of this committee is a milestone for the State of Chile and demonstrates its commitment to developing a clean industry. The green hydrogen development strategy is one of the sources to carry out the energy transition that the world needs to face the challenges of the climate, biodiversity and pollution crisis. This transition will be ecological, social and will be done together with the territories”, highlighted the Minister of Environment, Maisa Rojas. After the meeting, the Minister of National Assets, Javiera Toro, affirmed that from her portfolio “there is all the will for the fiscal lands that are useful for the development of these technologies to be made available in a planned manner, taking into consideration the voice of the communities and the different possible uses of the territory, that is why we emphasize the importance of this inter-sectorial work”. Functions and operation of the Committee Among the functions of this new Committee highlights the support to the implementation of the National Green Hydrogen Strategy; articulate and/or manage initiatives from the State, through Corfo, for the development of this industry; promote capacities to generate technologies and applications of H2V in the country, including technology and knowledge transfer, in addition to promoting the training of professionals and specialized technicians, among others. From this first launching meeting of the Committee, work will be done in groups and subgroups related to different areas to promote these investments, which will be coordinated by an Executive Secretariat that will be in Corfo and will provide all the technical support to deliver results and make rapid progress in the coming months. “The H2V strategy is a functional mechanism to improve the standard of living through decarbonization, and therefore, it is not only the development of an industry and a technology, but the implication it has for the generation of knowledge, for the productive chains, and how citizens, in general, are benefited with this type of solutions”, said the Executive Vice President of Corfo, José Miguel Benavente. This Green Hydrogen Committee will also have a Technical Committee that will be integrated by representatives of the Ministries of Economy, Development and Tourism, Environment, Energy, Foreign Affairs, the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, Corfo, among others. HyVolution Between June 28 and 30, 2023, the largest international hydrogen exhibition and congress, HyVolution, a meeting place for energy, industry and mobility in the hydrogen sector at the international level, arrives for the first time in Chile. The fair will be held at the Metropolitan Santiago events center, where more than 100 exhibitors representing 15 countries will participate, bringing together in one place the supply and demand of the industry dedicated to the energy transition. It is estimated to receive more than 4 thousand visitors. The meeting will seek to encourage the energy transition, in particular green hydrogen, presenting the technological advances for the incorporation of this clean fuel in everyday life, the alternatives for the change of the current fossil fuel system for one based on renewable sources, and opportunities for international collaboration. It will also showcase the broad value chain in the areas of production, distribution, storage, services and solutions for the carbon-free market. Source: Ministry of Energy

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