The CCI FC will have a French pavilion and participation in different talks on the green hydrogen industry. HyVolution, the main green hydrogen event for the energy, industry and mobility sector in Europe, arrives in Chile, with its first version, on June 28, 29 and 30. For this instance, the Minister of Energy, Diego Pardow, will preside the event as honorary president. Also, during the three days, an International Congress will be held, which will address the main issues surrounding hydrogen. It will be divided into three thematic axes, the first one being “Government Policies”, then “Business Initiatives” and finally on the third day the theme “Hydrogen Value Chain” will be addressed. French Pavilion “French Companies” The CCI FC, together with MEDEF International, will be present at HyVolution 2023, together with French companies related to green hydrogen. Among the activities to be carried out, it is expected to have the participation of several companies in the panels of interest (Alstom, Air Liquide, Airbus, EDF Andes, EDF Renewables, Engie, Total Eren, TotalEnergies, Société Générale, among others) all partner companies of the French Chamber of Commerce in Chile committed to the energy transition. Following this line, a presentation will be held on panel 7, on the second day of the Congress, on the French know-how in hydrogen and green fuels in conjunction with Hyvolution Paris, MEDEF International and its Task Force France Hydrogene. Contact: marie@camarafrancochilena.cl