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Exhibitor News

Colbún will exhibit its advances in H2V at Hyvolution

Alliances with international conglomerates to introduce H2V to industrial processes in Chile and the development of H2V projects in the north and south of the country, is part of what the power generator will address. It will also present its initiatives in environmental management and community relations.

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Colbún is convinced that Green Hydrogen (H2V) is one of the best options to decarbonize those productive sectors where electrification is not feasible. That is why, led by its Green Hydrogen Management, it is currently exploring various initiatives in this area, both domestically and internationally. Considering that more than half of the production cost of H2V corresponds to the energy with which it is generated, the involvement of companies such as Colbún in the process is crucial. “To develop hydrogen projects, collaboration and partnership are fundamental. At Colbún we have experience in developing and managing large projects, as well as offering solutions,” said Juan Pablo Fiedler, Colbún’s Green Hydrogen Manager. At Hyvolution, Fiedler – who is also part of the Board of H2 Chile – will present the Company’s progress in H2V projects, such as the formation of a consortium to make Santiago Airport the first in Latin America to operate with H2V; the alliance with the Japanese conglomerate Sumitomo to develop H2V projects to produce ammonia in Antofagasta and Magallanes, and the implementation of initiatives within Colbún to decarbonize some of its processes. In addition, Andrea Aldunate, Colbún’s Deputy Manager of Project Management and Public Affairs, will speak about the Company’s experience in community relations and environmental management. ______________________________________________________________________ For more information Francisca Silva Colbún Communications Email: fsilvab@colbun.cl About Colbún S.A. Colbún S.A. is a company with more than 35 years of experience dedicated to the generation and commercialization of energy, with close to 1,000 workers and an installed capacity of close to 4,000 MW through 27 generation plants. The company, which has operations in Chile and Peru, is promoting a strong program of solar and wind renewable energy projects to sustain its growth.

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